Polkadot API(PAPI)

Integration For PAPI

1. Inject SDK into Your Application

Substrate-based wallets inject an object into window.injectedWeb3 for interaction. Mimir follows this approach but uses an iframe, so direct injection into the window object isn't possible. Instead, use the provided npm package for injection.

Check if Opened in an Iframe

First, determine if the application is opened within an iframe:

const openInIframe = window !== window.parent;

Check if Opened in Mimir's Iframe

Use the following function to check if the application is opened within Mimir's iframe:

import { inject, isMimirReady, MIMIR_REGEXP } from '@mimirdev/apps-inject';

const origin = await isMimirReady();

if (!origin) {
  // Not opened in Mimir

// Verify if the URL matches Mimir's pattern
if (MIMIR_REGEXP.test(origin)) {
  // Inject Mimir into window.injectedWeb3
  // Now you can use polkadot extension functions

2. Retrieve the pjs-signer

You can easily get the polkadotSigner from the extension, similar to how it's done in the PAPI documentation

import {
} from "polkadot-api/pjs-signer"

// Connect to an extension
const selectedExtension: InjectedExtension = await connectInjectedExtension('mimir')

// Get accounts registered in the extension
const accounts: InjectedPolkadotAccount[] = selectedExtension.getAccounts()

// The signer for each account is in the `polkadotSigner` property of `InjectedPolkadotAccount`
const polkadotSigner = accounts[0].polkadotSigner

3. Sign and Send Transactions

Once you have the polkadotSigner, you can use it to sign and send transactions. Here's an example using PAPI (version >= 0.9.1):

Note: For PAPI versions below 0.9.1, Mimir cannot be used to send transactions. Please upgrade to PAPI version 0.9.1 or higher to use Mimir's transaction signing capabilities. Also, please read this PR for important changes to the transaction signing process.

Here's an example using PAPI version 0.9.1 or higher:

import { createClient } from "polkadot-api"
import { wnd } from "@polkadot-api/descriptors"
import { chainSpec } from "polkadot-api/chains/westend2"
import { getSmProvider } from "polkadot-api/sm-provider"
import { start } from "polkadot-api/smoldot"

// create the client with smoldot
const smoldot = start()
const client = createClient(getSmProvider(smoldot.addChain({ chainSpec })))

// get the safely typed API
const api = client.getTypedApi(wnd)

// create the transaction sending some assets
const transfer = api.tx.Balances.transfer_allow_death({
  dest: 'dest address',
  value: 12345n,

// sign and submit the transaction while looking at the

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