Follow these steps to integrate your application with Mimir:
1. Inject SDK into Your Application
Substrate-based wallets inject an object into window.injectedWeb3 for interaction. Mimir follows this approach but uses an iframe, so direct injection into the window object isn't possible. Instead, use the provided npm package for injection.
Check if Opened in an Iframe
First, determine if the application is opened within an iframe:
const openInIframe = window !== window.parent;
Check if Opened in Mimir's Iframe
Use the following function to check if the application is opened within Mimir's iframe:
import { inject, isMimirReady, MIMIR_REGEXP } from '@mimirdev/apps-inject';
const origin = await isMimirReady();
if (!origin) {
// Not opened in Mimir
// Verify if the URL matches Mimir's pattern
if (MIMIR_REGEXP.test(origin)) {
// Inject Mimir into window.injectedWeb3
// Now you can use polkadot extension functions
2. Retrieve the Multisig Account
Mimir implements the same interface as polkadot-js/extension, allowing you to obtain multisig accounts similarly to other plugin wallets.
Example Code
Use the following code snippet to obtain the multisig account:
To send a transferKeepAlive transaction using Mimir's multisig account, follow these steps:
Example Code (for @polkadot/api >= v15.0.1)
import { web3FromSource } from '@polkadot/extension-dapp';
import { checkCallAsync } from '@mimirdev/apps-sdk';
// ... existing code ...
const injected = await web3FromSource(source);
assert(injected, `Unable to find a signer for ${address}`);
const isMimir = === 'mimir'
let tx = api.tx.balances.transferKeepAlive();
// ⚠️Note withSignedTransaction is required
tx.signAndSend(injected.signer, { signer: injected.signer, withSignedTransaction: true }, (results) => {
Example Code (for @polkadot/api < v15.0.1)
import { web3FromSource } from '@polkadot/extension-dapp';
import { checkCallAsync } from '@mimirdev/apps-sdk';
// ... existing code ...
const injected = await web3FromSource(source);
assert(injected, `Unable to find a signer for ${address}`);
const isMimir = === 'mimir'
let tx = api.tx.balances.transferKeepAlive();
// ⚠️Note that the following logic will only be executed when === 'mimir'.
if (isMimir) {
const result = await injected.signer.signPayload({
address: address,
method: tx.method.toHex(),
genesisHash: api.genesisHash.toHex()
// Retrieve the method returned by Mimir.
const method = api.registry.createType('Call', result.payload.method);
// check the original transaction's call, after being wrapped by `AsMulti`, is matches the tx call
// `address` is get from mimir wallet
// ⚠️Note: this is not required if you trust mimir
if (!(await checkCallAsync(api, method, result.payload.address, tx.method, address))) {
throw new Error('not safe tx');
// Reconstruct a new tx.
tx = api.tx[method.section][method.method](...method.args);
// add signature to tx
tx.addSignature(result.signer, result.signature, result.payload);